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澳門註冊心理治療師公會 (Macau Society of Registered Psychotherapists,簡稱MSRP) 成立於2019年12月11日,屬非牟利組織,由本澳衞生局註冊心理治療師組成,旨在促進及推動心理治療專業的發展、提升心理治療之服務質素、推動及普及居民對心理健康的關注等。


The Association has established a general meeting, a council and a board of supervisors. Members mainly serve non-governmental social welfare institutions, clinics, treatment centers, hospitals, etc., and provide mental health services to the public.


Our Missions:

1. To promote the development of Psychotherapy;

2. Improve the service quality of psychotherapy;

3. Solidarity and protection of the fundamental rights of members;

4. Maintain the professional code of psychotherapists and protect the rights of clients;

5. Provide the latest information on psychotherapy for members' reference;

6. Manage the training of psychotherapists;

7. To promote communication and cooperation among relevant professional groups;

8. Work closely with the health department of the SAR government to promote and popularize residents' concerns about mental health;

9. Promote comminicate among members.

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